2023 Bud Orne Charity Golf Tournament Sponsorship Form


Sign on each golf cart
Prominent Sign at morning and evening registration.
Prominent notation as the sponsor of the dinner and the Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony by an announcement at the beginning of the evening’s activities and by a large notation in the Hall of Fame Program Book.
A Tournament Sponsor receives free golf for a foursome (a value of $1,000.00)

Prominent Sign at morning and evening registration.
Prominent notation in the Hall of Fame Program Book.
A Leaderboard Sponsor receives free golf for two golfers (a value of $500.00)

Option One:
Sponsor’s name or logo on all golf balls given to our field of golfers, a prominent sign at morning and evening registration, and a large notation in the Hall of Fame Program Book.
Option Two: Sponsor of the Hall of Fame Program Book, the Hall of Fame Plaques, and a prominent sign at morning and evening registration.
Option Three: Sponsor’s name, logo, or business card inserted in the golfer’s gifts, a prominent sign at morning and evening registration, and a large notation in the Hall of Fame Program Book.
Option Four: Sponsor of the on-course contests - longest drive, closest to the pin, etc, and a large notation in the Hall of Fame Program Book.
Option Five: Sponsor of the two Drink Carts includes a sign on each of the Carts and the signs and notations as with Option Four.
A Presenting Sponsor receives free golf for one player (a value of $250.00)

CLUBHOUSE Sponsor $500.00
Gold trimmed sign at first tee or green, or on third tee or green. (Hole one and three are closest to the clubhouse)
Co-sponsor of the Auction by an announcement.
Recognition in the Hall of Fame Program Book.

TEE OR GREEN Sponsor $250.00
Sign at tee or green
Recognition in the Hall of Fame Program Book.

YES! I would love to donate